An adaptive online language practice platform
How to run the code on local machine
At first clone the repository from
Note: you need to have python 3.6.1 installed in your machine.
In order to run the code on the local machine, we need to install the
following dependencies: Python Virtual environment, Flask,
Gunicorn, Requests.
The following tutorial shows how to install
virtualenv and Flask:
Note: to install virtual enviroment in windows simply type:
virtualenv < name of the folder>
After installing virtual environment in the project folder, activate it using:
Make sure the environment is activated before proceeding with the instructions
To install gunicorn use the following command:
pip install gunicorn
More details here:
To install the requests package simply do:
pip install requests
Afterwards, you need to (re)generate the requirements file:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
And then save it:
pip install -r requirements.txt
A batch file (batchfile.bat) is provided to easily activate the virtual environment and start the local host, given that all the previous installations are successfully completed.
Heroku Deployment
The code is already deployed on the Heroku server[1]. The
deployment is done through Github.
The link to our app:
The repository connected to heroku is:
In order to contribute to the project you can fork the repository,
connect it to heroku to have your own running version.
How to deploy a Phyton app on Heroku: